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Dill Pickles

Prep Time:

5 minutes

Cook Time:

No cooking required

Lower your blood sugar spike

We know eating carbohydrates causes a blood sugar spike which can lead to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is what causes our body to store fat. But did you know 1-2 tbsp of vinegar before a meal has been proven in studies to dramatically reduce that blood sugar spike from carbohydrates? There is a way to eat carbs and keep your body happy, without spending hrs. at the gym. So the next time you're having a big bowl of pasta or rice, do your body a favor and snack on one or two of these pickles beforehand. They will help you in the long run and also happen to taste delicious.

Almond Carrot Top Pesto


4 Kirby cucumbers
10 small cloves of garlic (or 5 regular)
1 bunch of dill
2 bay leaves
1 tsp of black peppercorn
1 tbsp sea salt
1 cup apple cider vinegar
2 cups hot water


1. Slice cucumbers into spears or rounded as preferred.
2. Add smashed garlic, cucumbers, dill, bay leaves, peppercorn, and salt to a jar. Then add the apple cider vinegar and hot water to the jar.
3. Let cool and place in fridge for 24-48 hrs.


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