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Prep Time:

1 hour

Cook Time:

1 hour

Why this movie means a lot

Most know the dish ratatouille from the Pixar film, Ratatouille, released in 2007. If you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend this family friendly classic. While this film is an adorable animated film featuring a rat turned chef, what makes it so incredible is it's main feature dish is plant based. Ratatouille has taken on various versions from renowned chefs, but it was Thomas Keller that made the dish as known in the film, with a tomato and pepper sauce and vinaigrette on top. Chef Keller actually consulted with Pixar for the film and producer, Brad Lewis, spent two days in his restaurant, The French Laundry, to prepare for the movie. Thus the ratatouille in confit byaldi form, and platted in accordion-style was born.

This film demonstrated that a plant based dish is worthy of being critiqued by a world renowned food critic and can stand on its own in a fine dinning restaurants. A simple reminder to master the art of plant based cooking and enjoy all the beautiful flavors that plants offer. Now roll those sleeves up and get ready to make this delicious ratatouille.

Almond Carrot Top Pesto


2 yellow squash
2 zucchini
1 eggplant
6 Roma tomatoes

2 bell peppers
1 white onion
7 roman tomatoes
2 tbsp olive oil
3 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of thyme (5-6 stems)
1 tsp salt, to taste
1 tsp of pepper, to taste

2 tsp fresh rosemary chopped
1 tsp fresh thyme chopped
1 tbsp fresh parsley chopped
2 cloves of garlic
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt, to taste
1 tsp of pepper, to taste


1. Roast bell peppers on stove until charred. Remove burnt skin and chop.
2. Mince garlic and dice onion. Place olive oil in pan and heat. Then add garlic and onion. Add salt, pepper, and the bunch of thyme in pan and cook until onions are translucent, roughly 6-7 minutes.
3. Score tomatoes then place into boiling water until skin starts to crack. Roughly 2-3 minutes. Take out of boiling water and place into ice bath. Peal skin and cut into quarters.
4. Add bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes into a blender. Blend until smooth.

1. Slice by hand the eggplant and tomatoes into 1 inch slices. USA a mandolin to slice the zucchini and squash.
2. Place a thin layer of sauce in baking dish. Arrange the vegetables in an alternating pattern (for example: tomato, eggplant, squash, zucchini). Start from the outside of the pan, working your way in until the dish is filled.

1. Finely chop thyme, rosemary, parsley, and garlic. Add olive oil, salt, and pepper.
2. Drizzle herbs dressing over veggies.
3. Cover with foil and place into oven at 375°F for 40 minutes. Uncover and back for an additional 20 minutes.
4. Serve and enjoy while watching the movie!


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